EBE, chinese-lazy-theorem-1, caterpillar



This challenge contained a capture file to analyse. Taking a look at the packets, all of them were UDP and, as said in the description contained only one byte of data.

Checking flags on packets some of them had the dedicated byte set to 1 instead of 0. A quick google search revealed the UDP can flag a packet as malicious, setting this flag to 1.

The packets were then filtered with _udp.flags.db == 0_ and exported to a separate capture file. In that file, it was possible to follow the UDP stream and retrieve the flag.






This challenge contained the source code and a server to connect with netcat. On the server, you could try to guess the secret number, query the server for a number, or exit.

Checking the source code revealed that only one query was available after that only one guess could be made. The server generated a number _n = pq_, where _p_ and _q_ are prime and choose a random number
in _[1,n-1]_ that we had to guess. The query option asked for a modulus _m_ and
returned _c = t (mod m)_.

Since the bit size of _p_ and _q_ was known, the bit size of _n_ was known as well. Generating the maximum number for a bit size greater than that of _n_ would yield a bigger number than _n_.
Let’s call this number _M_. Using python _M = (1 << 1025) – 1_. The bit size of _p_ and _q_ was 512, which is why we used 1025. Since the random number _t_ is now always less than _M_ and,
from number theory we know that _t = t (mod M)_ when _t < M_. We can now query the server with the modulus _M_, which will give us the random number. With that, we can guess and retrieve the flag.

The flag was now saved locally, sorry 🙁




This challenge was about JavaScript shenanigans. The flag was hidden using symbol concatenation that resolves to an integer when it’s interpreted. This has to do with JavaScript default typing.
A common example of this is the famous banana string that can be achieved with _”b” + “a” + + “a”_.

The challenge contained a source code. This code revealed that it checks if the characters in the flag string as set correctly. It does it in a random order, as the length of the operators differs.
Since the flag has to be unique, the code resolves to only one flag, which means that we can extract positions and characters for that position. Using `grep -o -E “(-~)*\[\]”` the lines were extracted and piped to a file. In this file, using a simple find and replace an array was created. This file was then converted to JS code to generate the flag.

let arr = [-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~[],
let str = str_plain.split("");
for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i+=2) {
	str[arr[i]] = String.fromCharCode(arr[i+1]);

The code was saved to _test.txt_ and run with `node test.txt`. This yielded the flag _lactf{th3_hungry_l1ttl3_c4t3rp1ll4r_at3_th3_fl4g_4g41n}_

Krystian Baran

Jeszcze gdy chodziłem do podstawówki, to był tam taki Paweł, i ja jechałem na rowerze, i go spotkałem, i potem jeszcze pojechałem do biedronki na lody, i po drodze do domu wtedy jeszcze, już do domu pojechałem.

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